Challenges of the Global Information Society (Week 4)


The main purposes of this article are to discuss about the problems that the information society is facing in recent times, and highlights issues that need to be taken into account by society and government for their future beneficial development

The term "information society" as "a creative society based on interaction". The author emphasizes that technological developments may not always be at the forefront of the information society, but it is important to focus on thinking about new ways of doing things.

In the article, the author mentions 10 global trends (such as increasing international tax competition, regional concentration, a deepening global divide). Himanen argues that the new global division of labor and international tax competition means that the prosperous countries of Europe and America can no longer compete with the world leaders in production, since they cannot produce goods at a low price, which is now becoming a reality in 2022 and almost all products made in China or India. Therefore, the main goal is a creative and innovative approach to business and the development of new ideas.

Himanen describes the main innovative models of society and writes about their problems:

Silicon Valley model - the main emphasis is on competition, where natural selection works and the strongest survive),

The Singapore model is too tax-competitive,

The Finnish model is too passive and heavily burdened by the welfare state

The author comes to the conclusion that each model has its pros and cons and opportunities for improvement. To do this, he offers 4 key points for growth:

a creative economy

a creative welfare

humanly meaningful development

a global culture

According to the Himanen, society should develop creative potential and creativity, thereby increasing production efficiency through implemented innovations.


1. Himanen, Pekka. “Challenges of the Global Information Society” Committee for the Future, 2004, p. 1-38. 


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